Ayurvedic Diet Tips to Fight Air Pollution: 5 Foods That Boost Lung Health

The polluted air we inhale contains ozone, nitrogen dioxide, particulate matter, diesel exhaust particles, etc., which are harmful to our lungs.

 Ayurvedic Diet Tips to Fight Air Pollution: 5 Foods That Boost Lung Health

People living in the northern part of India are struggling under the influence of air pollution over the past few months for a variety of reasons, from crop residues to burns and car pollution. October and November are the worst months of air pollution. The air we breathe is harmful not only to our lungs but also to our entire body. The polluted air we inhale contains ozone, nitrogen dioxide, particulate matter, diesel exhaust particles, etc., which are harmful to our lungs. The protective antioxidants found in our lungs fight off until they become more numerous, after which the toxins begin to invade the body's immune system cells that produce free radicals and cause inflammation. In addition to using N90 masks or avoiding exfoliation, there are ways you can protect yourself from becoming a victim of the harmful effects of air pollution. Eating nutritious foods is one of the ways to help our body fight this threat.

Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin D, carotenoids and minerals such as Magnesium, Calcium and omega-3 fatty acids are all dry lung nutrients; they help the lungs to stay healthy and maintain the integrity of the lung tissue. Eating a variety of seasonal foods will ensure that all of these nutrients are available in sufficient amounts in your body. However, some foods are better than others when it comes to certain functions or organs. Ayurveda has spread the use of many herbs, spices and healthy and strong lung foods. Let's find out about some common Ayurvedic remedies that use natural remedies to strengthen our lungs and protect them from air pollution.

1. Ginger

Long used for its ability to relieve symptoms of cough and cold, this root is very effective in strengthening our lungs. Its medicinal uses can be traced back to 2500 years. It helps with the degeneration of the mouth, which makes breathing easier. It is also associated with increased blood circulation to the lungs and reduced inflammation.

2. Carom seeds

Also known as Ajwain has several health benefits - it improves digestion, helps excrete excess gas and prevents gas formation. Rich fiber, antioxidants, and other vitamins and minerals, emerging scientific evidence shows that Ajwain is a potent antibacterial and antifungal action. It has also been found to improve the circulation of air in the lungs and to combat coughing.

3. Silence

Rich in vitamin L, Vitamin C and chemicals such as Camphene, Eugenol and Cineole, Tulsi has been used to treat lung diseases and damage. It is said that this is where the harm caused by smoking, so this makes it an ideal place to prevent air pollution. Sacred basil is said to purify- it is kept in homes and temples because of its abil