How To Make Black Tea Pepper To Manage High Blood Pressure Or High Blood Pressure

Normally, the normal blood pressure range is 120/80 mmHg, high blood pressure is defined as high blood pressure above 140/90, if your blood pressure stays above this range, you should see a doctor immediately.

 How To Make Black Tea Pepper To Manage High Blood Pressure Or High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure (or high blood pressure) is a condition characterized by high blood pressure levels. It is a very common condition that occurs when the energy when the blood facing the artery walls is very high. No matter how common the condition is, high blood pressure is always a cause for concern. Lack of appropriate measures can also lead to strokes and deaths. 

Normally, the normal blood pressure range is 120/80 mmHg, high blood pressure is defined as high blood pressure above 140/90, if your blood pressure stays above this range, you should see a doctor immediately.

According to experts, a healthy diet can also be very helpful in maintaining a stable blood pressure. While High BP patients are advised not to eat too much spicy food as it can prevent smooth blood circulation, but there are certain spices that can do wonders for your BP levels. Admittedly, balance is important here.

Black pepper or a glass of kali is one of such spices that is not only a staple in the kitchen but also a high quality food. According to research, published in the Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology, piperine is a compound found in black pepper that can help control high blood pressure. Black pepper is also a respected source of potassium which helps to ignore the harmful effects of sodium. You can sprinkle it over your salads, soups and snacks, it will increase your fare faster.

You can also use black pepper to make a soothing tea. Here is a recipe that is always fun.


1 tsp black pepper

Half an inch of ginger, ground

1 tsp tea leaves (optional)

1 cup of milk

How to use:

1. Take a bowl, add ginger and a large cup of water, and bring to a boil.

2. Add the tea leaves to the boiling water, followed by the milk. Let it go for two minutes.

3. Add the black pepper. You can add sugar to taste.

4. Put on the fire, make hot tea.

In addition to BP, this tea can also do wonders for your immune system and can help reduce inflammation. You can also add other spices of your choice to teas such as cinnamon and cardamom. Try this recipe and let us know how you like it in the comments below.