Immunity Tips: 5 Best Zinc-Rich Recipes For Winter

Did you know that these are some of the minerals you need to load to make sure your immune system is in good shape? Minerals are zinc, and you can find them in many foods as well

Immunity Tips: 5 Best Zinc-Rich Recipes For Winter

Enjoying a nip in the air? That makes both of us. Cold weather is a must-have, and are we not grateful for all those loose skirts and jerseys that have helped keep that winter cool? Winter is one of our favorite seasons but we also cannot ignore the dangers of occasional infections. Colds, coughs and flu are now commonplace and we need to adjust our diet a little to fight the same. Cold foods and phlegm need to be replaced with warm foods, which increase energy. We've heard about the link between vitamin C and the immune system, but did you know that there are other minerals that you need to load to ensure your immune system is healthy ?! Minerals are zinc, and you can find them in many foods as well, as well as supplements of course.

Here are five of our favorite zinc-filled recipes:

1. Sesame Ladoos

Sesame or til ladoos are very common in Indian families, especially during winter and winter festivals such as Sankranti. It is very easy to do and helps keep your body warm and strong.

2. Roasted pumpkin seeds

Don't throw away that seed, the nutrient that you don't want to part with. In addition to protein and fiber, pumpkin seeds are also rich in zinc. You can fry pumpkin seeds in butter with the spice of red chilli powder, and it will make you a great meal.

3. 3-Bean Conversation

This chair comes with not just one or two flavors, but three beans, lots of spices, tomatoes, onions. This is one eclectic cost that is actually good for all seasons.

4. Spinach soup and chickpea

As mentioned earlier, legumes are a powerful source of zinc. They are also loaded with antioxidants that help fight harmful activities, causing disease-free. Chickpea is one legume that is a combination of both health and taste, combining it with another zinc-rich veggie like spinach and is a masterpiece. Click here for the recipe.

5. Almond milkshake

Almond and milk together form a powerful zinc-rich combo. In addition, this nutritious milk grinds and packs the beauty of saffron and other fragrant spices such as calcium. Serve at room temperature.