Eating Dried Fruit Can Help Improve Your Diet (Study) 5 Ways to Include Dried Fruit in Your Diet

It has also been found that people add more nutrients to their diet on the days when they eat dried fruit than on the days they skipped. However, these findings came with their own set of warnings.

 Eating Dried Fruit Can Help Improve Your Diet (Study) | 5 Ways to Include Dried Fruit in Your Diet

Dried fruits, berries and other dried fruits make up an important part of our diet. They are healthy, fun and ready to bounce whenever you want. You can also use them to make a variety of delicious and juicy dishes. These insect-like insects not only add food, flavor and texture to the dish but also make it nutritious - thanks to its rich nutritional profile. In fact, it would be an exaggeration to say that dried fruit is one of the oldest foods ever sworn by our mothers and grandmothers. They are a good source of natural sugar that often helps you avoid putting extra sugar in the container.


A new study by Penn State researchers found a link between dried fruit and improved food quality. They said that people who put dried fruit in their diet were healthier than those who did not. It has also been found that people add more nutrients to their diet on the days when they eat dried fruit than on the days they skipped. However, these findings came with their own set of warnings. These findings are published in the journal The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

"Dried fruits can be a good nutritional choice, but consumers may want to make sure they choose sugar-free versions without added sugar," said Valerie Sullivan, a researcher working at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and a Penn State graduate student.

The study was conducted on 25,590 participants where they were given a 24-hour dry fruit-rich diet. Researchers then collected their health-related data to determine their overall food quality.


"One of the things I found interesting was that people used to eat more fruit on the days they ate dried fruit than on days when they didn't eat it," Sullivan said. And the days when they ate a few dried fruits, the consumption of fresh fruit was also low.

Along with the benefits, it was also found that adding too much dried fruit led to a high-calorie diet per day. Therefore, researchers recommend controlling the portion size and avoiding certain calorific foods to balance the calories we eat with dried fruit.

"So, when you add dried fruit, pay attention to calories and make sure you remove calories from junk food to get dried fruit to get the maximum benefit of eating dried fruit," explains Penny Kris-Etherton, Professor of Health at Evan Pugh University Science.

Looking at the above, we say, include dried, dried apples, apricots, berries and more in your daily diet to stay healthy. But always remember, balance is key.


Here are 5 interesting ways to include dried fruit in your diet:

Smoothie - Put some berries and apricots in your smoothie bowl to make it healthy.

Salad - Toss some dried and dried apples into a new salad bowl to add flavor to the recipe.

Morning Break - You can start your morning with a dry dry-water meal to get a strong kick to continue throughout the day.

Trail Mix - Adjust the trail combination with berries, dried, apricots, nuts, sunflower seeds, flax seeds etc and proceed to satisfy those hunger pangs during meal time.

Dessert - You can remove sugar with raisins and dates to make a delicious meal healthy for innocent entertainment.