Experts Receive 8 Coronavirus-Free Foods and Stop The Spread

COVID-19 Recovery: Researchers have found that chemical compounds in flavanol-rich foods can inhibit certain enzymes in new coronavirus cells from replication.

 Experts Receive 8 Coronavirus-Free Foods and Stop The Spread

Since we do not have a proven remedy for Coronavirus detected, we rely on all the scientific findings that provide other ways to protect against infection. Many scientists around the world are trying to come up with ways to reduce and detect COVID-19 virus. We may not believe these unsubstantiated findings, but it is interesting to find out how other dietary supplements can give us a better chance of fighting.


A new study conducted by North Caroline State University found that certain foods and drinks can help protect you from Coronavirus. The team found that chemical compounds in foods rich in flavanol could inhibit certain enzymes in new coronavirus cells from replication.

A study published in the journal 'Frontiers' examined the effects of green tea, chocolate, and grapefruit, and found that these foods contain chemical compounds that can interact with protease in SARS-CoV-2, a virus that causes COVID-19, and can inhibit activity. its. If protease replication is suppressed, the spread of the virus may stop.

De-Yu Xie, a professor of botany and micro-organisms at North Carolina State University, said in a statement, "One of the focus of our laboratory is to find nutraceuticals in foods or medicinal plants that prevent the virus from attaching to human cells or spreading the virus to human cells. in order for the virus to replicate and replicate itself. If we can prevent or disable this protease, the virus will die. "

Flavan-3-ols and proanthocyanidins (PAs) are two groups of plant flavonoids found to be effective against COVID-19.


The study states that eight foods rich in the chemical flavanol:

Green tea

Dark Chocolate


Cocoa Nuts





Although researchers have named all the foods mentioned above for active flavanols, the study focused on only four foods - green tea, dark chocolate, coconut nuts, and grapes.