Green tea is beneficial in reducing belly fat, know how much to drink

Belly Fat Removal: There is a connection between stress and obesity. To lose weight, it is very important to reduce stress and get enough sleep.

Weight Loss Remedy: In the cold months, the problem of weight gain increases in people. There are many food and drink options available in this season, so it can prove very difficult to control the tongue. 


Therefore, controlling the weight in winter season becomes a headache for everyone. Due to excess weight, patients are at risk of suffering from many diseases like high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes. Green tea is considered one of the healthiest beverages. 

Rich in anti-oxidants and many elements, green tea is beneficial for our health in many ways.

Abdominal fat is low: Green tea is consumed for weight loss. This tea is rich in anti-oxidant and many properties which can be beneficial for your health in various ways. 

It contains an anti-oxidant called EGCG which increases our metabolism. This helps in reducing belly fat. The vitamins found in this herbal tea also helps to burn belly fat easily.

Helpful in reducing fat burn: Green tea is beneficial in reducing body fat. It has fat burning properties. 


According to health experts, if people drink green tea before sleeping at night, then the fat present in the body comes out through urine in the morning. In this case, you can drink 3 to 4 glasses of green tea throughout the day.

Less Stress: There is a connection between stress and obesity. To lose weight, it is very important to reduce stress and get enough sleep. 

According to health experts, green-tea contains a compound called Thenin, which works to improve sleep as well as calm the nerves. This reduces stress and maintains balance on weight.

Healthy Green Tea: Green tea also contains many other fat burning ingredients that help in keeping the liver healthy. It is also helpful in reducing bad cholesterol, it reduces the risk of heart attack.