Take care of these things, diabetes patients, blood sugar may remain under control

Diabetes: Diabetes patients should take 40 percent of the total calories in their diet from carbohydrate-rich foods, 40 percent from fat-rich foods and 20 percent from protein-rich foods.

Diabetes: In diabetes disease a person should take special care of his body. Health experts believe that if diabetes patients take care of their body and their activities throughout the day, then their blood sugar can remain under control. 


It is believed that it is very important to keep some things in mind to control blood sugar.

A diabetic patient may have problems with eye and kidney disease and numbness in them. So always try to keep blood sugar level fasting 70-110 mg / dl and 100-140 mg dl 1 to 2 hours after meals. Diet should be taken care of to maintain this level.

Get into the habit of walking for 45 minutes to 1 hour daily. Never ignore your medicines and insulin. Do not eat too many calories. So that your weight is also controlled.

Include fruits and green vegetables in your diet. By eating these, your body will be healthy and diseases will stay away. Try to drink as much water as possible.

After getting up in the morning, take breakfast in 2 hours. Health experts say that after getting up in the morning, being hungry for a long time also increases the blood sugar of the body. It should be the effort of a diabetic patient to eat something every 2 hours.


A diabetic patient should take 40 percent of the total calories in his diet from carbohydrate-rich foods, 40 percent from fat-rich foods and 20 percent from protein-rich foods. Whereas, a diabetic person who is overweight and old enough should consume calories from 60 percent carbohydrate, 20 percent fat and 20 percent protein.

Fitness experts tell that every food we eat goes on store in our body, with the help of this food, energy packets are made in the body and if we do not exercise and physical activity, then this energy packet in obesity and diabetes etc. it changes. 

Therefore, people who have the possibility of diabetes, increase their physical activity and exercise. Especially if your parents, siblings or grandparents are having diabetes problems then you should also be cautious and take care of yourself.