We Can Be Heroes trailer: Superhero kids fight Priyanka Chopra and aliens in Robert Rodriguez film

 Robert Rodriguez's film We Can Be Heroes Priyanka Chopra, Pedro Pascal, Christian Slater, Ya Ya Ya Ya Gosselin, Akira Akbar, Andrew Diaz, Andy Walken and Boyd Holbrook among others.

We Can Be Heroes trailer: Superhero kids fight Priyanka Chopra and aliens in Robert Rodriguez film

Great heroes are taken. The planet is in danger. Now, who will save the world from foreign invasion? Also, who will save the heroes? Children of superheroes with their special strength are here to help. This is the crux of a recent trailer for Robert Rodriguez's film We Can Be Heroes.


The nearly three-minute trailer begins when Pedro Pascal's daughter points to times in which the world is uncertain. Suddenly, we see huge heroes being attacked and aliens entering the world. Here comes Priyanka Chopra who appears to be the head of the Heroes' Palace but with evil intent. He locks the children of the heroes in the basement of the building. But the children have a plan to escape. Now how they will fight Chopra and the aliens will be announced on December 25, with the release of We Can Be Heroes on Netflix.

Sharing the trailer, PeeCee shared how she shocked the kids who worked on the film. He wrote on Instagram, “Power comes in all sizes and comes in Christmas! These amazing kids have a secret weapon - Cooperation. It️ It has brought a different energy to the set and it is the life of this film. So while you wait for Santa, it’s time for you to sit down and let these incredible kids show you how to be a HERO! Are you there? ”

We Can Be Heroes also stars Christian Slater, YaYa Gosselin, Akira Akbar, Andrew Diaz, Andy Walken, Boyd Holbrook, Hala Finley, Isaiah Russell-Bailey, Lotus Blossom, Lyon Daniels, Nathan Blair, Sung Kang, Vivien Lyra Blair, Adriana Barraza and Christopher McDonald.
